Live Video and Digital Cameras
Seiler offers an HD camera with full HDTV resolution for teaching purposes or patient viewing. The HD camera can be equipped on any Seiler Microscope or Colposcope.
Monitor Details
This package includes a beamsplitter, HD camera, video adapter, and 24″ HD monitor.
Beamsplitter Details
The beamsplitter allows the light path to be split allowing a video camera, digital camera, or an assistant head to be attached to the microscope. The most common beamsplitter used is a 50-50 / 20-80, which means one side splits the light into 50% to the user’s eye and 50% to the digital camera. The 20-80 is 20% to the camera and 80% to the user’s eye.
* Most Cameras can be adapted to a Seiler Microscope or Colposcope. Please contact us before ordering a camera.